Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lies, Damned Lies and Photoshop

saw an article today on the yahoo homepage. the headline was 

"Donald Trump: His madness, GOP insanity"

with the usual thumbnail photo beside it. the pic was of donald trump at a podium, with a very angry and odd look on his face, and he's giving the finger to the audience it appears, or in that general direction.

i thought to myself, "that doesn't look like something trump would do".  so i clicked to see the article, wondering where this incident took place. that took me to the article with only a paragraph ending in mid-sentence, and a "read more" button. clicked again. 

i finally got to the article which had the same pic only larger. the piece was mostly name calling and saying how low the republican party had sunk and what a megalomaniac trump was, and basically just drivel with no supporting evidence or logic or context, in other words, what's come to be reporting since trump announced his candidacy.

that "read more" button is really pissing me off with yahoo. it's just a way to load another page with a new raft of ads on it and another example of why yahoo has petered out. but that's for another post.

the article itself was garbage and it never mentioned where the photo of trump took place. but i noticed that there was now a caption under the pic in very tiny print. it said this:

"Donald Trump to America: A illustration created in Photoshop to make the point".

this caption was not in the thumbnail, nor in the first click paragraph. and my instinct was right; donald trump didn't make the gesture and he didn't have that angry, odd expression on his face. the whole thing was faked with photoshop, but someone who just saw the headline with the thumbnail, or even gone farther and clicked on it to get to the next page, would have gotten the impression that it was real and that trump was an angry, venal pisspot. (unless their eye was as keen as mine). and even when you finally got to the full version, the type of the caption was so small i had to enlarge it to read it.

so basically yahoo was telling a lie. i even think it is actionable. if i were trump i'd sue for about two hundred million for defamation. i mean that middle finger gesture is universally understood in the u.s. to mean a very specific two word phrase. and they even got the grammar wrong in the caption. and by showing that photo they were attributing an offensive statement to trump that he never made. that's called lying. they used photoshop to create a falsehood. they should be held accountable, plus punitive damages. here's the link if you want to see for yourself,   http://www.capitolhillblue.com/node/59753

it used to be that tv news and newspapers lied constantly but the internet finally made it possible to get to the true story. not anymore. the internet has an agenda now too, the same as the mainstream media. and i hate photoshop. they've already destroyed the collective self-esteem of an entire generation of young girls by eliminating every perceived flaw in published photos and causing these poor girls to think that they should aspire to a perfection that doesn't even exist. as always, tech is a double edged sword. be wary. be wary, wary.